JOHANN MÜLLER AG Yarn Dyeing Plant

Yarn Dyeing Plant

Crosswound Bobin Dyeing Plant

Johann Müller AG has a modern, fully automatic crosswound bobin dyeing plant with a dyeing capacity of about 10,000 kg of yarn per day. Thanks to a well-graded distribution of system sizes, all machine sizes between 5 kg and 1000 kg can be dyed.

Hank Dyeing Plant

Our hank dyeing plant has spray dyeing machines and cabinet dyeing machines for various batch sizes between 10 kg and 300 kg. The dyeing capacity is about 1,500 kg of yarn per day.

Winding / Twisting

In our generously designed raw winding facility, we can rewind yarn from hard bobbins to dyeing packages.
Thanks to a wide range of machinery, we rewind the yarn after dyeing to a variety of bobbin sizes and wax it if required: Conical bobbins, cylindrical bobbins, pineapple bobbins, embroidery bobbins and sewing thread bobbins.

In our twisting department, we can twist yarn before or after dyeing.


Thanks to a very broad know-how, we are able to dye virtually all dyeable textile materials:
  • Cotton
  • Viscose
  • Linen
  • Wool
  • Silk
  • Polyester
  • Polyamide
  • Polyacrylonitrile
  • Mixtures of the above types of fibers

We dye both spun and filament yarns.